


the times are changin'
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Thursday, June 14, 2012

headaches and running shoes

day 3 of project 365
whew. i am not in the mood today. it was so difficult to get out of bed this morning. and yesterday by the end of lunch i was done. i've been getting headaches. a lot. i think they are part-tension from fatigue and part-sinus because i'm never without sinus problems. i'm on the lookout for some other headache solutions other than OTC drugs. acetaminophen doesn't work and ibuprofen damages the stomach lining. once i get a paycheck, i'll be going on the search through some homeopathic and herbal remedies and save the drugs for the big migraines i have every so often. i get headaches way too often to be relying on the OTC drugs all the time. i will be tracking any research or awesome remedies i come across here, so be on the lookout if you are anything like me with headaches and meds.

in other news, once i get a paycheck i will also be purchasing new running shoes. yes, running shoes. i am not a runner. but i think i could really enjoy it if i could get to a good rhythm. here's my dilemma other than the fact that i'm out of shape. i have really bad feet and knees already for my age. is running going to be a sustainable form of exercise? i'd like to find something i can start and continue for a long time. but maybe that concern is just null and void until i actually try it and see what happens. the hubs and i are going to start the couch-to-5K program (i think) once i have some good shoes to support these feet of mine. here's a link for the program if you are interested in finding out about it.

do any of you have suggestions for great running shoes? especially for people who need a lot of foot support?
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  1. Asics make great running shoes for women (Elise runs about 3/4 times a week and has always used Asics). They are the cheapest at Kohls.

  2. Have you ever tried a neti pot? I know Traci uses one and I've heard they help a lot with sinus problems. Also, there's a store called foot solutions that sells shoes made with extra support for people with poor knees, walking issues, etc. The shoes are expensive (in the $100s), but they're custom tailored to help with whatever ailments you are dealing with. : )

  3. Girly... You should go to a running store and have them analyze your stride. I love Asics but they are the shoes that work with my feet and running style. I supinate when I fun so I need support for that. Different shoes sop port different feet and how your foot hits when you fun... Def go to a running store!!! I love them plus you don't have to but the shoe there. Just get the info then go to docks or somewhere cheaper or online!!!! Knowing the shoe with YOUR foot is the most important.... It prevents pain and me
