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Sunday, March 4, 2012

greeeeeeeeen smoothie

so as part of my week's resolutions, i tried out a smoothie recipe this lovely sunday afternoon that i'll be eating (drinking) for breakfast tomorrow. i made it today in case my resolution for getting out of bed earlier failed and because i wanted to make sure i liked it before i used valuable morning time on something i won't actual drink.

i started out with someone else's smoothie recipe (pictured above) and then added some of my own flair. the original recipe claimed, "drink this daily and watch the pounds come off without fuss." i don't really believe in miracle cures, but i do believe that antioxidants and all the other goodies found in this smoothie help with weight loss, energy, and overall good healthy feelings. the last three ingredients in the list are my own. since i wanted to use it as my breakfast i decided to add the protein powder to help sustain me to my 1:30pm lunch period. i added the green tea because i swear by green tea. it's amazing. i added the strawberries because i had strawberries on hand.

2 handfuls spinach
2 bananas
1 cup yogurt
1 cup water
1 cup chunk pineapple
4 strawberries
1 scoop protein powder
1/4 cup blueberry green tea 

put all the ingredients into the blender. all i did before blending was break apart some banana...but that's really only to make it fit better.
 then blend, blend, blend until it's a texture you enjoy.
taste and add any ingredients you'd like to add.
i chose to add strawberries...
and blueberry green tea. (i steeped two tea bags in a 1/4 cup boiling water.)
blend again, pour, and enjoy!

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