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Saturday, November 20, 2010

project #1: sesame ginger chicken stir fry

this is really easy. i just consider it creative because i made the recipe up myself with things i already had in my fridge. and i think it may be healthy. 

sesame ginger chicken stir fry
servings 4 (i guess...depends on sides)
cook/prep time: 20-30 minutes

1 lb. chicken tenderloin strips (your preference)
2ish c of frozen stir fry (I just emptied my bag out)
1 tbsp olive oil
1/2 c (or more) of Newman's Own Sesame Ginger dressing

1) Set stovetop to medium-high heat. Put olive oil in medium skillet.
2) Put the frozen stir fry veggies into the oil. Make sure to stir often so they don't stick to the pan. Add more oil if necessary.
3) While the veggies begin to cook, cut the chicken into 1 inch cubish things. It's really your preference. The cubes just cook faster.
4) Add the chicken.
5) Take stovetop heat down to medium. Add the dressing. (You don't have to limit yourself to a 1/2 cup. I just poured until it looked good.)
6) Cover and cook until the chicken is done. Stir often.
7) I like to serve it with brown rice (the 5 minute kind. If it's not the 5 minute kind the stir fry will be done before the rice.)
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