


the times are changin'
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Monday, February 28, 2011

i want one of these...

...and so does Juno.
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Saturday, February 19, 2011

an inspiring video of friendship

and here is a deeply moving video of a romance defying all rules of inter-species relationships

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Friday, February 18, 2011

okay, muscle spasms in my back,

that's enough.
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Thursday, February 17, 2011

cupcake #1: basic vegan white cupcake & buttercream frosting

photo taken from

since my students were great today while I was being observed, i am going to bake them some cupcakes. i'm pretty sure there's a chick in the class who is allergic to a lot of stuff, including milk, so i decided to find a vegan recipe to try. i found it at i find it odd that the first cupcake i am going to blog about is vegan, but whatevs. here is the recipe. the process shots and lessons learned will follow later. i also have a vegan buttercream frosting recipe from

the cupcakes!
2 c all-purpose flour
1 1/2 c organic unbleached sugar
3 1/2 t baking powder
1 t salt
1/2 c margarine (80% fat is best) — softened
1 c plain unsweetened soy milk (make sure soybeans and water are the ONLY ingredients)
1 t vanilla
1/4 c soy yogurt
1/4 c apple sauce
1/4 c silken tofu

1) Heat oven to 350F degrees.
2) Beat all ingredients in large mixer bowl on low speed, scraping bowl constantly, 30 seconds.
3) Beat on high speed, scraping bowl frequently, 3 minutes.
4) Pour batter into paper-lined medium muffin cups, filling each about half full.
5) Bake 20 minutes.

the frosting!
  • 1/2 cup nonhydrogenated shortening
  • 1/2 cup nonhydrogenated margarine, we use Earth Balance
  • 3 1/2 cups powdered sugar, sifted if clumpy
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 1/4 cup plain soy milk or soy creamer
1) Beat the shortening and margarine together until well combined and fluffy. Add the sugar and beat for about 3 more minutes.
2) Add the vanilla and soy milk, and beat for another 5 to 7 minutes until fluffy.
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Tuesday, February 8, 2011


this is a really interesting photo from a recent production of Antigone
Lisa Stuart as Antigone and Matthew Wade, Chris Gunter, Robert Finlay -Chorus. Photo: Yannis Katsaris
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theatre history for the 21st century student

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Monday, February 7, 2011

sometimes you just need to remember...

in good teacher candidate fashion, i just googled my name to see what would pop up if ever a potential employer chose to do this. (by the way, it almost bothers me that "googled" is officially considered a word and therefore doesn't have that little red squiggle line under it, but that's an entirely different topic.) the first thing that came up was simply my blogger account profile. might change that picture to look more "mature." anywho, three or four down the list (which, by the way, is all actually things to do with me and not other people with my name, apparently no one else has my name) was the link to the blog i wrote while  i was in dublin for two months, the summer of 2008. if you follow my current blog you will have noticed that dublin has been on my mind and that i really wish i could visit this spring. oh well. but what really struck me was the succinct way in which i was presented with the Gospel through my experience there and how well i was able to express that in a few bullet points. and sometimes you just need to remember because sometimes these things just happen...
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Tuesday, February 1, 2011